Research Agent For Complex B2B Sales
Our client, a pioneering manufacturing company, has developed a groundbreaking procedure for metal processing that combines the precision of laser technology with the productivity of traditional punching.
The Challenge

Our client, a pioneering manufacturing company, has developed a groundbreaking procedure for metal processing that combines the precision of laser technology with the productivity of traditional punching. Despite its innovative approach, the technology remains largely unrecognized within the industry, leading potential customers to opt for lower quality methods and providers. This obscurity poses a significant challenge for the client, hindering their ability to attract customers and achieve growth. As a medium-sized entity in the industrial sector, expanding the sales and marketing teams to bridge this awareness gap is not a viable option due to resource constraints.

Democratizing access to medical information

Our client, a pioneering manufacturing company, has developed a groundbreaking procedure for metal processing that combines the precision of laser technology with the productivity of traditional punching. Despite its innovative approach, the technology remains largely unrecognized within the industry, leading potential customers to opt for lower quality methods and providers. This obscurity poses a significant challenge for the client, hindering their ability to attract customers and achieve growth. As a medium-sized entity in the industrial sector, expanding the sales and marketing teams to bridge this awareness gap is not a viable option due to resource constraints.

The Solution

To address the challenge of connecting our client's innovative metal processing technology with the right customers, we developed a semi-autonomous AI research agent. This sophisticated solution is engineered to sift through thousands of patents, employing advanced analytical capabilities to understand and reason over the extensive data. It is specifically designed to draw comparisons between the benefits and features of our client's technology and the information gleaned from patents. By maximizing an objective function, the AI research agent efficiently identifies potential customers who are most likely to benefit from the unique manufacturing process.

The RAG System

Moreover, the agent extends its search beyond patents, conducting advanced web searches to cover a multitude of data sources, thereby ensuring a comprehensive analysis of the market. The application of advanced machine learning techniques allows the AI to distill the vast amounts of collected unstructured data into actionable insights. This process culminates in the preparation of a comprehensive research paper that is both easy to understand and instrumental for the sales team to plan their next steps. Through this approach, the sales team is equipped with a powerful tool that not only identifies potential leads but also provides them with a deep understanding of each lead's needs and how our client's technology can meet those needs, streamlining the sales process and significantly shortening sales cycles.

AI Tech Stack

• Finetuned GPT-3.5 for better agentuc reasoning

• Open-source embedding models from huggingface

• FAISS in-memory vectorstore

• Gradio frontendOur custom

• Advanced web search component compatible with many state-of-the-art LLMs