Explore our partnership-driven collaboration practices. Together, we innovate and excel in achieving shared goals
How we work
Let’s work together
Our philosophy grounded on collaboration from initial ideas, through development to refinement
Relationship that drives innovation
At Seedbox, we believe that the most groundbreaking solutions emerge from partnerships that value open communication, shared vision, and mutual respect. Our approach is built on a foundation of positive interactions, where every project is a journey we embark on together with our partners.
From the initial spark of an idea to the final touches on a state-of-the-art AI application, our process is designed to be inclusive, engaging, and, most importantly, effective.
We're not just building technology; we're building relationships that drive innovation. Join us in a collaborative effort that blends your industry insights with our AI expertise to create solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also tailored to your unique needs and goals.
discover, Prototype, validate
Find the most promising outcome of AI
Our workshop sessions are meticulously designed to uncover the essence of your business needs, challenges, and aspirations. Through interactive discussions, brainstorming sessions, and hands-on activities, we delve deep into understanding your objectives. Our facilitators guide the process, encouraging open communication and collaboration. Together, we explore various perspectives, identify pain points, and clarify goals. By the end of the workshop, we gain valuable insights that serve as the foundation for developing tailored solutions to propel your business forward.
Collaborative Development
Build it close together
In our approach to Collaborative Development, we foster a dynamic partnership ethos. We actively engage our partners, sharing knowledge, insights, and findings seamlessly. Working closely with internal teams, we merge project management strategies, tools, and software resources. Together, we make prototypes to validate and refine concepts, ensuring a cohesive journey of innovation towards our shared goal.
Refinement: Data Analysis and Operational Enhancement
Find the most promising outcome
After the initial deployment, our commitment to excellence continues with our refinement cycle. We delve into data analysis, meticulously examining operational performance. Through this process, we identify opportunities for enhancement and efficiency. By iteratively refining operations, we ensure your solution evolves to meet evolving needs, maintaining peak effectiveness and user satisfaction.
The benefits of
our approach
Rapid development cycles
We streamline development cycles, ensuring rapid delivery of high-quality solutions. With a focus on efficiency and agility, we accelerate progress, getting your product to market faster.
We foster an environment where knowledge is shared openly. Through transparent communication and active collaboration, clients gain access to a wealth of expertise from our team.
We ensure that our solutions seamlessly align with existing systems, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency. This adaptability allows for smooth transitions and enhances overall operational effectiveness.
Our collaborative development model encourages active participation from all stakeholders. By merging expertise and resources, we create a synergistic environment where ideas flourish and innovation thrives.
Our clients said
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW)
"Seedbox gives us the flexibility we need to test ideas quickly and in a customer-centred way. Their tools are best-in-class and we are always happy to draw on the methodological expertise of their employees. The process that we have established together takes us a long way forward. Thank you, Seedbox!"
Dominik Schütz
Leader of LBBW Innovation Lab
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH
"Seedbox was a game changer for us: From the first spark of the idea to the market launch, the team has expertly guided us through all phases of idea generation, evaluation, prototyping and product development since the beginning of 2023. Together, we have managed to validate an innovative business model based on AI and will establish it on the market in the next step."
Linda Wiese
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG
"Seedbox embodies modern and future-oriented co-creation: creating a genuine sense of togetherness in collaboration, systematically immersing in real, business-relevant problems, and purposefully using new technological possibilities for solutions with genuine added value."
Robin Pluhnau
Head of Product Management Digitization,
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG
Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
"With Seedbox Ventures, we have a partner at our side who extremely successfully complements our existing structures. The projects from our internal innovation unit are expanded early on through Seedbox's competencies and jointly pursued. Especially in terms of freedom, digital and implementation competence, but also regarding collaboration and mindset, we were able to reach a new level through Seedbox – above all, the venture platform, which is extremely useful for us, helps us to test quickly and incognito in the market."
Matthias Schneider
Geschäftsführer Digitalisierung,
Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
Bertrandt AG
"The exchange with Seedbox Ventures was characterized by high agility, professionalism, and an excellent interpersonal rapport. Kai Kölsch has a special way of explaining complex issues simply and comprehensibly. His pragmatic, honest, and direct approach, as well as his intuition for ideas and innovations, has enabled us to quickly think in new topics and dimensions."
Manuel Haußmann
Corporate Strategy and Development,
Bertrandt AG
Advisory Board, Seedbox
"For me, Seedbox Ventures is a good example of how corporate innovation hurdles can be sustainably overcome. Due to the experience of the two founders Dennis Dickmann and Kai Kölsch from building Lab1886 at Daimler, and Seedbox's extremely sustainable and efficient way of working, I decided right from the start to support the company's development as Chairman of the Advisory Board. It is a pleasure for me to make my deep expertise in finance, insurance, and mobility available not only to Seedbox but also to the project teams as a mentor and sparring partner."
Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Advisory Board,
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW)
"Seedbox verschafft uns die Flexibilität, die wir brauchen, um Ideen kundenzentriert und schnell zur verproben. Ihre Tools sind best-in-class und auf das Methoden-Know-How der Mitarbeitenden greifen wir immer gerne zurück. Der Prozess, den wir gemeinsam etabliert haben, bringt uns weit nach vorne. Danke, Seedbox!"
Dominik SchützLeiter
LBBW Innovation Lab
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH
"Seedbox war für uns ein Game-Changer: Vom ersten Funken der Idee bis zur Markteinführung hat uns das Team seit Anfang 2023 kompetent durch alle Phasen der Ideenfindung, Evaluation, des Prototypings und der Produktentwicklung geführt. Gemeinsam haben wir es geschafft, ein innovatives Geschäftsmodell basierend auf KI zu validieren, und werden es im nächsten Schritt am Markt etablieren."
Linda Wiese
Reguvis Fachmedien GmbH
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG
"Seedbox verkörpert moderne und zukunftsorientierte Co-Kreation: Es schafft ein echtes Gemeinschaftsgefühl in der Zusammenarbeit, taucht systematisch in reale, geschäftsrelevante Probleme ein und nutzt gezielt neue technologische Möglichkeiten für Lösungen mit echtem Mehrwert."
Robin Pluhnau
Head of Product Management Digitization,WAGO GmbH & Co. KG
Fischerwerke GmbH
"Mit Seedbox Ventures haben wir einen Partner an unserer Seite, der unsere bestehenden Strukturen äußerst erfolgreich ergänzt. Die Projekte unserer internen Innovationsabteilung werden frühzeitig durch die Kompetenzen von Seedbox erweitert und gemeinsam vorangetrieben. Besonders in den Bereichen Freiheit, digitale und Umsetzungskompetenz, aber auch in Bezug auf Zusammenarbeit und Denkweise, konnten wir durch Seedbox ein neues Niveau erreichen. "
Matthias Schneider
Geschäftsführer Digitalisierung,Fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG
Bertrandt AG
"Der Austausch mit Seedbox Ventures war geprägt von hoher Agilität, Professionalität und einem ausgezeichneten zwischenmenschlichen Verhältnis. Kai Kölsch hat eine besondere Art, komplexe Themen einfach und verständlich zu erklären. Sein pragmatischer, ehrlicher und direkter Ansatz sowie sein Gespür für Ideen und Innovationen haben es uns ermöglicht, uns schnell in neue Themen und Dimensionen einzudenken."
Manuel Haußmann
Corporate Strategy and Development,Bertrandt AG
Advisory Board, Seedbox
"Für mich ist Seedbox Ventures ein gutes Beispiel dafür, wie Innovationshürden in Unternehmen nachhaltig überwunden werden können. Aufgrund der Erfahrungen der beiden Gründer Dennis Dickmann und Kai Kölsch beim Aufbau von Lab1886 bei Daimler und der extrem nachhaltigen und effizienten Arbeitsweise von Seedbox habe ich mich von Anfang an entschieden, die Unternehmensentwicklung als Vorsitzender des Beirats zu unterstützen.
Klaus Entenmann
Chairman of the Advisory Board,Seedbox
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How we work together