Exclusive Top Management Event for Decision Makers Across All Industries on "AI in Practice"!

This event offers a unique opportunity to meet leading AI experts, visit cutting-edge (technology) companies, and gain valuable insights into the latest AI technologies. In collaboration with Microsoft Germany and the Serviceplan Group, we've curated a tour to some of the top destinations for you. Experience firsthand how our partners are bringing AI into real-world applications and join industry experts in exploring a promising look into the future.

As a special highlight, the evening event will include a live broadcast from the 'Serviceplan AI Lab' in San Francisco, providing all participants with comprehensive insights into the latest developments and current market dynamics in Silicon Valley. After a concluding discussion round, we invite you to relax and network in a pleasant atmosphere.

After the event, all AI TOURS participants (full-day pass only) will also receive their individual, forward-looking AI roadmap with exciting practical examples for their company.

Tour Highlights:

AppliedAI: Discover how Europe's largest 'Initiative for the Application of Trusted AI Technology' operates, which applications are already a reality today, and how they can potentially be integrated into your business model.

SIEMENS AI LAB: Explore how the Siemens AI Lab uses leading expertise and state-of-the-art technologies to research and develop industrial AI use cases, reshaping the future of work and setting global standards.

UnternehmerTUM AI Lab: Learn more about AI-driven entrepreneurship and groundbreaking tech innovations from one of Europe's leading innovation and startup centers.

Microsoft Germany: Experience the coveted and exclusive 'Executive AI Tour' with product demos of the latest technologies and trends firsthand. Microsoft plays a key role in the current development and widespread applicability, ensuring that a glimpse into the future will captivate all involved.

Serviceplan Group @ House of Communication: A trip to Silicon Valley and back! Finally, get insights into the activities of the Serviceplan AI Lab in San Francisco, including an open Q&A session on current AI topics.

Open End & Networking (including a live podcast session with the "Boost with AI" team)